30 May Honoring the Legacy of BRIAN KLINE
The Brian Kline Legacy Fund for Youth for Christ of Northern Indiana has been established to honor the life and legacy of Brian Kline. Brian was an active member of the Board of Directors for YFC for many years. He served as the chairman of the YFC Board for five years. While chairman, Brian played a key role through his leadership and generosity in helping YFC move to a position of sustainability. Although Brian left this earth in the fall of 2011, it is the desire of the Kline family to see his legacy continue through the ministry of Youth for Christ.
Brian loved helping teens in this way because he saw the way their lives were impacted. YFC will be creating opportunities annually for students who cannot afford to participate in life-changing camps and trips. We will also provide funds for two graduating seniors to further their education and attend college.
To steward our mission well we must develop the next generation of leaders. YFC will invest in high school student leaders, college interns and YFC ministry staff to continue the impact in our communities. Training and leadership development will continue to be delivered at a very high level.
Brian was a visionary and always talked about growing the YFC footprint in our territory. In communities like Huntington and the surrounding area our schools and local authorities have identified several opportunities to expand our reach with at-risk teens. We plan to invest in staff recruitment, volunteer training and will empower a team of adults to help focus on these opportunities.
Brian believed that young people needed hope and he believed the mission of YFC brought that hope to teens who were often times overlooked or simply not engaged in their community. We hope to increase that impact through a number of different initiatives that would have immediate and long lasting impact in the lives of young people in our communities. We invite you to join us in continuing the legacy of Brian Kline. For more information on how you can contribute to the Brian Kline Legacy Fund, contact Brandy Swope at Kline’s CPA (260)356-1040 or contact Roger Vezeau, Youth For Christ, (260)484-4551 or (260)224-2988.
Help us make an impact. Brian believed that young people needed the message of hope.
Youth For Christ is excited to announce the inaugural Brian Kline Golf Classic (formerly the Huntington golf outing) on the morning of Friday, June 15th at Chestnut Hills Golf Club. You are invited to be a part of this great event. The Brian Kline Golf Classic has been established to honor the life and legacy of Brian Kline.
For more information or to register you or your team, CLICK HERE. If you have questions contact Breanna Amico at mailto:bshroyer@yfcnin.org.
We look forward to seeing you on June 15th!