
Government Sites

Internal Revenue Service
An online resource to find the latest in tax law and forms.

Indiana Department of Revenue
An online resource to find state tax information and forms.

Pay State Taxes
INTIME allows you to pay your state taxes electronically.

Where’s My Refund?
Learn how to check the status of your government refund.

Indiana Where’s My Refund?
Learn how to check the status of your Indiana INTIME refund.

Indiana County Tax Rates
Up-to-date Indiana county income tax withholding rates

Indiana Department of Workforce Development
State unemployment info and signup

Estimate Your Retirement Benefits
The official website of the U.S. Social Security Administration

Small Business Administration
Business resource available for small business research


Record Retentions
Schedule to help determine which records to keep and for how long

SafeSend Process
Learn the benefits, how it works, and view frequently asked questions

Local Grain Markets

Cash corn bids

Poet-North Manchester
Cash corn bids

Cash corn bids

Louis Dreyfus-Claypool
Soybean prices

Kokomo Grain Amboy
Grain prices

ADM Montpelier
Home page for New Haven & Montpelier