The Indiana State Fair kicked off Friday, August 5th and will feature 17 farm families for each day of the fair from August 5th through August 21st. The Indiana State Fair is recognizing family farms that have received a Hoosier Homestead Award to coincide with Indiana’s Bicentennial celebration during 2016. The Hoosier Homestead Award is presented to family farms that have remained in one family for 100, 150 or 200 years. We are pleased to work with one such family, Maple Farms, Inc., from Kokomo, Indiana. You can read about the Maple Family here or visit their website for more information (www.maplefarmsinc.com). Maple Farms, Inc. will be featured on Thursday, August 18th at the Indiana State Fair.
Each day the Indiana State Fair will be represented by a different farm family. The families will take part in numerous activities throughout the day and will be interviewed at 2:30 PM at the Glass Barn. To see the full listing of the 2016 Featured Farm Families and read more about their farm heritage, go to http://www.indianastatefair.com/state-fair/general-information/featured-farmers/ or follow the Indiana State Fair’s Blue Ribbon Blog here.